Membership Information


Individuals not employed in the recreation, parks and/or leisure services field, but are interested in the promotion of the recreation, parks and/or leisure services field. Examples are: citizens, advisory board members, friends group members, etc. This does not include anyone who provides goods or services to park and recreation professionals. Please see the Commercial Memberships section if this is what you are looking for. 

Join as Associate


Student:  Any full time student interested in recreation, parks and/or leisure services or other allied professions.  Individual cannot be working in the recreation, parks and/or leisure services profession in a year-round/permanent position.

Join as Student


*Retired Professional:  Individuals retired from the recreation, parks and/or leisure services profession; and who are not regularly or on occasion employed/retained/contracted (with or without compensation) by commercial companies/organizations, or self-employed to provide tangible products, or services from which a work product is produced for the purpose of influencing financial or operational decisions of a recreation, parks and or leisure services agency.

Join as Retired

Professional Group B

Group B:  Individuals who meet the definition of Professional Group A, and are also regularly or on occasion employed/retained/contracted (with or without compensation) by commercial companies/organizations for the purpose providing tangible products, or services from which a work product is produced for the purpose of influencing financial or operational decisions of a recreation, parks and or leisure services agency. 

Join as Professional Group B

Professional Group A

Group A: Individuals employed full or part time by public or private agencies providing recreation, parks, and/or leisure services; or educators of recreation, parks, leisure services, or other allied professions at universities/colleges.

Join as Professional Group A

Commercial - Diamond

Commercial Members with FRPA are companies or organizations who offer services or products to professionals, communities, and partners in the parks and recreation field. As a Commercial Member, you have access to the FRPA Econnect which is our own online community.  You can contact individual members of FRPA, you can post discussions, and you can actively engage in the work of the Association. Additionally, FRPA Commercial members receive early notice of opportunities to connect with the membership via sponsorship of events and the Annual FRPA Conference and Exhibit Show. 

Join as Commercial - Diamond

Commercial - Sapphire

Commercial Members with FRPA are companies or organizations who offer services or products to professionals, communities, and partners in the parks and recreation field. As a Commercial Member, you have access to the FRPA Econnect which is our own online community.  You can contact individual members of FRPA, you can post discussions, and you can actively engage in the work of the Association. Additionally, FRPA Commercial members receive early notice of opportunities to connect with the membership via sponsorship of events and the Annual FRPA Conference and Exhibit Show. 

Join as Commercial - Sapphire

Commercial - Emerald

Commercial Members with FRPA are companies or organizations who offer services or products to professionals, communities, and partners in the parks and recreation field. As a Commercial Member, you have access to the FRPA Econnect which is our own online community.  You can contact individual members of FRPA, you can post discussions, and you can actively engage in the work of the Association. Additionally, FRPA Commercial members receive early notice of opportunities to connect with the membership via sponsorship of events and the Annual FRPA Conference and Exhibit Show. 

Join as Commercial - Emerald

Agency - Silver

Public parks and recreation agencies are invited to become members of the Florida Recreation and Park Association.  Agency packages have been designed to allow you to select which member benefits are more important to you.  Agency membership allows your organization to support the efforts of the Association as we work to represent your interests and advance the field of parks and recreation.  Membership provides your organization heightened visibility as a supporter as well as membership benefits extended to your staff who may not be members of the Association yet wish to participate in localized trainings. 

Join as Agency - Silver

Agency - Bronze

Public parks and recreation agencies are invited to become members of the Florida Recreation and Park Association.  Agency packages have been designed to allow you to select which member benefits are more important to you.  Agency membership allows your organization to support the efforts of the Association as we work to represent your interests and advance the field of parks and recreation.  Membership provides your organization heightened visibility as a supporter as well as membership benefits extended to your staff who may not be members of the Association yet wish to participate in localized trainings. 

Join as Agency - Bronze

Agency - Gold

Public parks and recreation agencies are invited to become members of the Florida Recreation and Park Association.  Agency packages have been designed to allow you to select which member benefits are more important to you.  Agency membership allows your organization to support the efforts of the Association as we work to represent your interests and advance the field of parks and recreation.  Membership provides your organization heightened visibility as a supporter as well as membership benefits extended to your staff who may not be members of the Association yet wish to participate in localized trainings. 

Join as Agency - Gold