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Webinar - Expense Management

Chris Nunes, CPRE is the Director of Parks and Recreation for The Woodlands Township
Expenses management for our programs and facilities is an essential skill for any parks and recreation agency.  Participants will gain knowledge in the various methods in which to reduce costs through a variety of tips, tricks and techniques which range for supplies to staff.  Specific attention will be paid to programs and facility management and how to ensure that these savings can be sustained over the long term.  Most importantly participants will have the ability to reduce their cost of providing a service which can result in more profit or the ability to continue their vital services.

Learning Objectives

1. Participants will identify the major expenditure areas of your agency.
2. Participants will create an expense management plan in which to reduce your operational costs.
3. Participatns will identify a process in which saving money can result in enhanced services to your respective agency.

0.1 CEUs

Price: $15

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