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Webinar - Homelessness and Parks

Kevin Kirwin
Phil Thornburg 
Homelessness in Florida continues to be present in communities across the State.  This session will explore examples of approaches to the global subject for many park systems of the increased presence of homeless in parks, primarily during closed hours. Discuss what steps parks and recreation agencies are taking to make partnerships with local resources for homeless assistance and the Police Department. Participants will openly discuss strategies used and how they have trained staff to handle this issue in a humane manner.  

Learning Objectives
1. Participants will identify current challenges parks face with homeless in Parks.
2. Participants will define at risk population and the available Park & Recreation resources that exist to combat homelessness. 
3. Participants will discuss staff engagement tactics to raise awareness, tolerance, and increase access to homeless programs/services.

0.1 CEUs

Price: $15

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